In conjunction with our Advent series, The Presence of God, we will spend this month reading through the Scriptures that will help us maximize this blessed time of Advent. What is Advent? Advent comes from the Latin word adventus meaning arrival or coming. The people of God in the Old Testament looked forward to the coming of a Savior/Messiah - that was the First Advent. Now, we the children of God who live on this side of the Cross, are waiting expectantly for Christ’s return—the Second Advent.
Traditionally, Advent counts down the four weeks leading up to Christmas. Practically, Advent reminds us to look forward to His return every day. In this season we will spend this time reflecting on who we were, and what God has promised and delivered through Jesus Christ. Through this time may we also allow the Holy Spirit to reset Jesus Christ as the center of not just the Christmas season but of all our lives.
Faithful God, Faithful Father
December 1st - Psalm 33
December 2nd - Psalm 86
December 3rd - Psalm 36
December 4th - Psalm 91
December 5th - Deuteronomy 32
December 6th - Isaiah 30:18-33
December 7th - Psalm 103
December 8th - Isaiah 64:1-8
God’s Faithful Promises of a Savior
December 9th - Psalm 2
December 10th - Isaiah 11:1-10
December 11th - Isaiah 42:1-9, 13-25, 43:1
December 12th - Isaiah 35:3-10
December 13th - Isaiah 9:2-7
December 14th - Isaiah 53
December 15th - Isaiah 61
December 16th - Luke 1:5-25
December 17th - Luke 1:26-56
God’s Faithful Presence, Emanuel
December 18th - John 1:1-18
December 19th - John 3:1-21
December 20th - John 4:7-26
December 21st - John 5:18-30
December 22nd - John 10:22-39
December 23rd - John 6:28-58
December 24th - Luke 1:26-38 & Matt 1:18-25 Christmas Eve
December 25th - Luke 2:1-20 Christmas Day
December 26th - Matthew 2:1-23
December 27th - Matt 3:1-12
God our Hope & Foundation
December 28th - Isaiah 40:9-31
December 29th – Psalm 40
December 30th - Romans 8:1-11
December 31st - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & 5:1-11