community groups.
Want to join one of our Community Groups? Simply fill out this form and we’ll get you plugged in!
Craig Sturm - Craig.Sturm{at}
Stephen Johnson - Stephen.Johnson{at}
Joel Vint - Joel.Vint{at}
Living in community isn’t something we do; it’s something that is meant to be central to the very essence of who we are. To know and be known. After all, as Christ’s people, he made us alive together!
Even a quick glimpse at the early church reveals the ‘togetherness’ of God’s people as the Holy Spirit stirs an explosion of praise and worship, feasting, word-centered teaching, radical generosity and missional living! Holistic discipleship to Jesus is happening within this Spirit-filled community.
Likewise at Summit, a primary place we live out our discipleship to Jesus is in the context of our gospel-centered Community Groups. It’s here we grow in Christ as we demonstrate our 5 discipleship outcomes and express our love and care for one another!
Community Groups are open to all, team-led, word-based and focused on our values; with everything geared toward multiplying disciples and seeing the gospel saturate our communities!
To be a part of a Community Group, simply stop by the Connection Center at your campus and pick up a list of Groups in your area.
“Words cannot describe what my Community Group means to me, and how integral it has been in the development of my faith. I prayed the Lord would plant me in a community of people I could do life with. He delivered in ways I couldn’t have even imagined.”