By: Payton Cross & Addison Valiquette
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
During our recent mission trip to Salerno, Italy, God put on display the beautiful bond we find in our identity as Christ followers. Unfortunately, it has become normalized to view biblical community as a daunting task that only certain people excel at. However, the bond our team quickly developed, as well as the immediate connection we all felt towards our fellow brothers and sisters in Salerno, proved differently. The Lord showed me that Christian community does not have to be difficult and that our oneness in Christ supersedes all barriers.
We spent our first full day in Italy worshipping with the congregation of Nuova Vita and capturing a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in and through their ministry. We heard grace stories from seven people who got baptized. Their stories of the valleys they have faced and the newfound joy they have received in the gospel made it so easy to fall in love with them.
Throughout the week, we worked with kids of varying ages and taught them about God's 'game plan' for their lives. Despite the language barrier, it was easy to find commonalities -- the sweetness of our Savior. Whether it'd be with adults who have lived their whole lives in Salerno, excited children eager to play and learn, or even Americans who felt God call on them to uproot their lives and call Italy home, the Lord was adamantly on display in a notoriously secular country.
Overall, the Lord used this time to show me the beauty of the bond we have as a family on mission.
My experience in Italy was unique, given that I lived in Salerno for the first 13 years of my life. It was amazing and nostalgic to return and see my old life from a new point of view. This time, I was no longer part of the group being served but instead had the opportunity to serve others.
We hosted a sports camp in the city center, playing and loving on the kids. Our days consisted of playing various sports, water games, funny skits, and, most importantly, a message from the Word of God. I was truly blown away by the kids' love for and faith in Jesus. And as picturesque as Italy is, my favorite thing by far was connecting with these kids. They were all so joyful to be around and reminded me that true joy is only found in resting in our identity as adopted children of God.
Leaving this trip, one thing stands out: our call to glorify God and make disciples. It doesn't matter whether we find ourselves on a mission trip on the other side of the world, simply serving at church on Sunday mornings, or sharing Christ with our friends, neighbors, classmates, and coworkers. All that we do should have one purpose: to glorify God by making disciples that represent the gospel to every man, woman, and child.
In Luke 10:20, Jesus says, "Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Throughout our trip, the Lord used this verse to remind me that we belong to him and are citizens of his beautiful kingdom! We can do many good works for him and glorify him through those works, but Jesus tells us not to rejoice in the works themselves but rather in our identity as adopted children of God.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel back to the country I grew up in with such a faithful group of people and participate in God’s mission in this way!