A prayer for 19 Years of God’s Faithfulness at Summit Church
Heavenly Father, on our Church’s anniversary weekend we want to thank you for your goodness, grace, blessings and faithfulness to us over these nineteen years. We thank you for every soul saved by the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank you for every heart that has been restored and healed. We thank you for the marriages reconciled, strengthened and formed within this body.
We thank you for every child that has been dedicated within this covenant community. We thank you for every student that has been ministered to and spiritually formed in this place. Thank you for the churches planted, the missionaries sent out, and mission organizations supported around the world. Thank you for the opportunity we have had to see the reach of the gospel into many different nations and people groups. Thank you for the children fostered, adopted and sponsored by families here at Summit.
Lord, we thank you for the many different ways you have provided for the needs of this ministry; from people, to resources, to partners, to finances. You have always granted what we needed and have been so good to us.
Father we thank you that you have made us one in Christ. We pray that as members of your family, your Holy Spirit would continue to knit us together in the bonds of unity and love.
Lord, you have promised that you are the One that would build your Church so we ask that you would continue to empower each of us, both individually and corporately, to use the talents and gifts that we have been entrusted with for the praise and glory of your name and the edification of the saints of God.
Lord please protect us from the wiles of the enemy who seeks to destroy and cause divisions among your Family. Help us to be sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable and gentle towards each other. May the one-anothers you have mandated in your Word be our habitual practice and culture. May your Holy Spirit lead us away from selfish motives, and towards humbly regarding the needs and necessities of others before our own. May your love mark us and may your love be evident in the ways we love one another so that the community around us may know we belong to you.
And Lord we continue to cry out for the lost around us. We ask that you would use us as your ambassadors. Let us be salt and light in the places where we live, work, and play so that through us, every man, woman, and child may have repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the good news of the gospel.
And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all this day and every day that follows.
“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.”
In the victorious, mighty and glorious name of Jesus we pray - Amen.